Etiwan Masonic Lodge No. 95  - 438 Whilden St., Mount Pleasant, SC. 29464

Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest Fraternity.  Its history and tradition date to antiquity.  Its singular purpose is to make good men better.


If you have not yet paid your 2025 Lodge dues, we ask that you do so accordingly. Our historic and beautiful Lodge requires routing maintenance and repairs, and we are held to the same financial obligations (utilities, taxes, insurance, etc) as any homeowner or business. Our Lodge dues are necessary (in a timely fashion) to help us meet these obligations each month. In addition, dues not paid by 12/31 of preceding year result in the Brother being past due as of 1/1– meaning he cannot visit any other lodges and his privileges in his own lodge are significantly restricted.

If you have not paid, please mail your payment in as soon as possible
Our Mailing Address is:
Etiwan Lodge No. 95 AFM
P.O. Box 2
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465

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