

Freemasonry is the oldest fraternal organization in the world. It is dedicated to promoting improvement in the character of its members. A Mason is taught to be a good citizen, to be of good character, & to care for those less fortunate. Freemasonry traces its roots to the Middle Ages. It is from the associations of stone masons, who built the magnificent cathedrals, castles, and monasteries of Europe that the fraternity began. These groups eventually began to accept members who were not actual working masons but were men of exceptional character and rapport. They soon adopted the term "Accepted" Masons, and with it Freemasonry as we know it today was born.
Our general meeting schedule is as follows:
Our regular stated communications are held on the first Thursday of each month. For this, we gather at 6:30PM, collation begins at 6:45PM and we open lodge promptly at 7:30PM.
Degree work is performed on the second Thursday of each month (as warranted). For this, we gather at 6:30PM, collation begins at 6:45PM and we open lodge for degree work promptly at 7:30PM.
Our Mailing Address is:
Etiwan Lodge No. 95 AFM
P.O. Box 2
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465
Our email address is:
Email Secretary